Buildaria Logo

Buildaria is a limitless 2D sandbox RPG where creativity meets adventure. Dig deep into vast underground caverns, construct towering structures, and shape the world to your will—every block is yours to place, mine, or refine. Whether you forge powerful weapons, explore hidden dungeons, or trade custom skins and maps in the community-driven marketplace, your journey is entirely your own. With rich customization, dynamic environments, and an ever-evolving world, Buildaria is more than a game—it’s a canvas for your imagination. What will you create?

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Buildaria Beta starts soon so hurry and get an account before there arent any left! We will notify you when its ready to play!

Latest Blog Posts

The Underground!

March 10, 2025

Massive update! Many MANY hours went into this next generation seed based procedurally generated underground system with layers of different types of rocks and the most awesome cave networks youve ever seen!.. oh and variable sea level so you may find worlds mostly covered in water and others with hardly any.. cant wait to see what you all find AND build!

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Let there be LIGHT!

March 05, 2025

Yup, we have dynamic lighting now! What that means is blocks that are able to be lit are lit.. the ones behind them are darker etc. I decided to let the light go a couple levels deep to make it a little easier to find ores etc. but not too easy. I had played with various forms of lighting.. more realistic and blended which soft fall offs etc and it just wasnt looking right.. then i completely revamped the lighting system for the 4th time and tried per block and i love it! Buildaria breaks the sandbox barrier by embracing HQ textures instead of the typical pixel textures like everyone else.. but its still a block sandbox so i feel like this look keeps true to that.

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Advanced Skeletal Animation System!

March 02, 2025

Ive been working on a skeletal animation system thats more advanced than any other current games that i can find. with 21 bones we have the freedom of very smooth and complex animations.. none of that spritesheet stuff most other games use.. Buildaria supports any possible animation you can think of.. dances and what not are going to be awesome! best of all.. players can create animations!!! Cant wait to see what people come up with!

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RPG is alive and im stoked!

February 24, 2025

This is sooo exciting i cant wait to play! Our player stats system is in and it tracks things like health and xp as well as skill levels.. i even testing the exploring xp and went up a level just walking around!!! anyway its just debug print for now.. ill be integrating it into the UI shortly so stay tuned!

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User login and session up!

February 21, 2025

Yea so I just finished the backend API system that handles login authentication and sessions. Now you can register your account via the website or from inside the game.. then login and start a session. The session is to keep you logged in while playing so you dont have to re-login everytime you have a server interaction such as cloud saves and marketplace interactions and global achievements etc.

Sun and Moons and Day/Night Cycle!

February 16, 2025

Buildaria now has a realtime Sun, Moon, and a second Moon(Blood Moon). they traverse the sky with the speed of their actual cycle. The full day/night cycle is 24 minutes(i chose this for easy conversion in my head 1 minute = 1 hour). The sun takes 14 minutes to cross the sky. Then the standard Moon takes 8 minutes and then the second moon, Blood Moon, takes 2 minutes. The Blood Moon starts at witching hour so be careful.. things change :)

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Starting screen is in place

January 17, 2025

A lot of code refactoring went into the inevitable. We needed to have a startup screen instead of just jumping right into the game. Eventually you will be able to adjust settings here.. log into your Buildaria account, choose between single and multiplayer as well as load saved worlds or create new ones. It also sports the live background that the game does!

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Dynamic background elements!

November 18, 2024

So i completely revamped the background parallax system because i wanted it to be more dynamic where i can add effects like rain snow clouds etc. So now it does.. the clouds actually move when you arent moving it looks really kool! I also took a moment and drew up all the layers myself using a couple vectors i found for the moutain and trees.. notice my stars i hand painted arent so great.. im totally not a graphic artist.. hopefully someday Buildaria gets a good artist on hand.. until then you can deal with my junk lol

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September 08, 2024

This was a loooong update. You cant imagine how much goes into what you think is so basic.. the organizing of items in inventory and stacking, splitting, dragging split, auto stacking, dragging from inventory to toolbar etc. etc. Long update short description, i think the screenshot speaks for itself.

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Inventory code works!

September 03, 2024

This is from the backend that you wont see.. we now have an actual inventory system in place that tracks the items stored in backpacks, toolbars, chests, etc and this little debug just prints that out to me to make sure im coding it correctly lol

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Toolbar time!

June 21, 2024

I got the toolbar finalized.. size, layout and location. I was trying to put it somewhere else so it doesnt look like im "copying" other games but the reality of it is and to sum it up.. this is the best spot and thats the reason why most games have it there so we will too! I also added functionality so you can use number keys and your mouse wheel to scroll it(no i havent forgot about you mobile users, i am developing the game with mobile in mind so after it launches on pc it will be on mobile soon after.. no recode!)

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New logo!

May 24, 2024

So i made a logo for the game, this is getting real.. REAL FAST(well not fast but still). The logo is supposed to encapsulate the idea of the different types of building blocks and show a touch of the old low bit style but show that we are embracing the new modern graphics so it doesnt have to be BORING like so many other "craft" games. In this screenshot you can see i was also testing a layout for the HUD/GUI.. not sure what i think about it yet.

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April 13, 2024

Yea haha i made a booboo. Was messing with the world gen and wanted to add in lakes.. well i got the math wrong and the lakes ended up UPSIDE DOWN oops lol.. looks kinda kool tho maybe ill put a ring on it hahaha

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Its starting to look like a game..

April 10, 2024

Buildaria is starting to look like an actual game! We have a parallax background.. what that means is its a few different layers than when you move they do too at varying speeds to simulate depth.. looks super kool!

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UI / HUD / GUI in game

March 22, 2024

What game doesnt have a user interface? Yea i dont know of one either.. anyhow now Buildaria does! we have text coords.. a health bar.. an inventory box, a toolbar, and a msg window for chat and system msgs. Pretty basic for now.. not sure the direction im going to go with it yet but its there! and that little blue square is a fake inventory item placeholder for testing.. i can grab it and drag it into other slots, wow!

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March 13, 2024

Ok this one took a minute but we now have the procedural world generator working! what that means is the worlds are made based on "seeds" like some other "craft" games you may know of(where its the same world everytime when you use the same seed).. however, our seed system is unique in the way that you can use words and sentences instead of just numbers.. you can also use just numbers if you want but hey we cant fix your boringness lol(yes we like using made up words sometimes, get used to it;) <- and this isnt just a smiley.. its a dual purpose smiley and end parenthesis, yw. Anyway, the world gen is a little basic for now its just creating a random terrain and rolling hills and valleys that has grass on top(that you can walk thru), then a couple layers of dirt, then stone to the bottom of the world.. eventually it will be way better but this is a start and im pretty proud of it!

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Pointer selector..

January 27, 2024

No big deal but now the block your mouse is over is highlighted so you dont accidentally break or place the wrong spot.. will be likely changing to an outline or translucent mask eventually.

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Block placement.. BUILD YOUR WORLD!

January 26, 2024

Just got block placement working.. now the world REALLY is your playground! Break it, build it! Currently you can place a block anywhere, there are no rules but thats not going to last haha.. stay tuned!

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Mining! The world is your playground!

January 24, 2024

It may not look like much but we can now mine blocks out of the world! Because its a 2d game and not as user friendly as 3d where you would just walk over an item and grab it or point and click.. we have limited space so instead of loot from mining laying there.. it will actually go directly into your inventory. Anyway, mining works.. the world is your playground!

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December 28, 2023

Thats right.. the world is alive! It may be basic at this point but we actually have a world and character to run around.. cant wait to see whats to come!

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Hello World!

December 27, 2023

Hello and welcome to the Buildaria website! This is the very first post in the blog. Most posts will be updates on the development status of the game so make sure to check back often!

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